Chapter 2: A Brand new Start

Hey Guys!!

If you are reading this I have actually got my website up and running GG me lol. SO what’s the point of it all that is the question right?

Well as far as this website it is the culmination of all my passion projects and future endeavors. Currently well its this blog you are reading its going to work as almost an online Journal I know great idea right making this all permanent for the future masses lol. But in all seriousness this is where I am making a hub of everything that has to do with me. When It comes to my aspersions to start my own computer repair and design business. To wanting to hangout with all my awesome friends by streaming on Twitch or posting some video’s on YouTube. I am also going to start posting my “art” slash projects on here under my portfolio right now it is just some of my favorite moments. So let’s grow together my goal in life is to bring people even just a moment of happiness. I know how hard it is to be constantly depressed and full of anxiety it doesn’t make it easy with the way are world is constantly trying to flush it’s self down the toilet lol. But that is also what my Love your ODD Campaign is about I want to help spread the message that your Oddness is what makes you well you and if people don’t like it they are not the correct people to have in your life.page2-1017-full